New Documents On 4th Kenosha Victim

More documents come out regarding a 4th shooting victim in Kenosha from last August’s unrest and this time on a Federal level from the United States Marshal’s Service.  Originally, Never Stop Media released KPD Scanner Audio from the August 25th, 2020 incident back in September 2020, surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse and the detailed account of events that immediately transpired following the shooting. Start video at the 4hr 40min mark to hear the events immediately following the shooting.  At the 5hr 6min mark is mention of the 4th victim.

NSM recently released an article about this 4th victim when we received a document from the Waukesha Police Department confirming that there was a 4th victim.

Both documents are dated from August 26th 2020, hours after all the chaos has stopped and protestors are no longer in the streets.

Shortly after releasing the article, I was contacted by the Public Information Officer, Lt. Joseph Nosalik, by phone, regarding the article in an attempt to cast doubt in whether this information was accurate amidst the chaos on August 25th.  The links to the two part phone conversation are below

Part 1

Part 2

In a two page report from the USMS it highlights their role on August 25th“Yesterday evening into this morning 8/25-8/26 the district comprising of myself, DUSMS...... (redacted) TFO’s supported by DUSMS (redacted) from GLRFTF Chicago responded to the civil unrest that has continued in Kenosha”.  In the report it details USMS responding to calls of looting/burglary of a bank and businesses, structure fires along with extraction of officers separated and being surrounded by rioters.  “The group converged on the Kenosha Officers and our Task Force members.  We maintained our perimeter and received assistance from a MIRT team who dispersed the crowd with chemical munitions” the document goes on to read.

In the scanner audio that was released you can hear law enforcement personnel being told to switch channels for private conversation as well as multiple conversations happening via cell phone.  These more secure communications would not have been open to the public.  The email continues “The first event of the series of events was dispatched as a running gun battle between protestors/rioters and counter protestors with multiple persons shot”.

The US Marshal Agent goes on to state “Our Task Force responded in force and began to assist in locking down the area and home that witnesses stated the shooter ran into”.  Video of this can be seen on the Never Stop Media, Mercado Media and in lost footage from CJTV live streams.  “While assessing the scene an officer down shooting was dispatched along with an active shooter at a hospital a few blocks from the first scene.  With multiple agency responses to the first dispatched shooting scene the Task Force immediately broke away and responded to that second situation to deal with the active shooter and conduct an officer rescue.  Upon arrival at the scene it was learned that there was not officer down nor an active shooter.  Shooting victims from the first shooting described above were self-transported by associates to the hospital and the hospital called 911 reporting armed people in the Emergency Room.  I don’t yet know how this became a dispatched call of an officer down and active shooter, but that is the call we were responding to at the time.  Upon learning this updated information we returned to the original scene and along with support from the FBI Tactical Team and Kenosha PD took over control of the purported house that the shooter ran into.  Utilizing multiple pieces of armor we along with the FBI established and maintained a hard perimeter of the home and began to digest the situation and active events while attempting contact at the residence.  Through continued work between our Teams and the Kenosha Police Department we were able to confirm the identity of the shooter and confirmed that the shooter was not in the home and had fled the area/home prior to the arrival of the first units.  We learned that the shooter himself had fled Kenosha and was actively attempting to surrender to another law enforcement agency just across the border in Illinois".

Video interviews of Rittenhouse after he turned himself in at the Antioch Police Department can be seen on the Never Stop Voices YouTube Channel along with Dominick Blacks interview.   

Rittenhouse Interview (Pt. 1)

Dominick Black Interview

The next paragraph is extremely alarming and seriously highlights questions that need to be answered when it pertains to the relationship between Law Enforcement, Rittenhouse and militia groups that has only been speculated.  This should shed a bit more light on that relationship.

“This series of shooting event responses by Our Task Force took up a substantial amount of time this evening.  If the shooting event itself was not bad enough we learned after the fact that the shooter is a 17 year old kid who is an active.....” (redacted).  Unfortunately the rest of this sentence is redacted so we are unsure what Rittenhouse was an “active” what of.  “Four people were shot by him three of which are deceased as of this report.  I don’t know the status of the 4th victim however I have been told he is stable and suffered non-life threatening injuries".  What they refer to as non-life threatening injuries is presumably Gaige.  The actual 4th victim would be one of the other deceased individuals. "This could not be a worse situation for what we are currently in.  There is video of the shooter shooting the first victim and fleeing.  He is then pursued by a crowd and tackled.  He then shoots the additional three victims and then indiscriminately shoots at other on lookers.  The videos are posted and obviously going viral on social media”.  The next sentence is completely redacted from the document.

Brace yourself for what you are about to read because the WTF moment is about to come. 

“Based on everything I have noted above the Police Department believes things will get progressively worse especially when the identity and connection to law enforcement of the shooter is reported on”.

Lt. Nosalik from the Kenosha Police Department stands firm in their position that "there was no 4th victim", despite this document outlining the USMS direct observation and response to the shootings.  To hear the full conversation of KPD's response to this document click the link

In working on a gun related homicides for 2020 article I can clearly cite that there were 4 gun related homicides in August 2020.  Further information regarding each of these has been listed as "non-disclosure" per the Kenosha County Medical Examiners Office due to "open cases".

With the United States Marshals Service being a Federal Law Enforcement Agency confirming again a 4th victim, why is the Kenosha Police Department and the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department not reporting any information on this victim and in fact denying it so blatantly to the point of conspiracy?  You have heard me ask for documentation regarding this mystery person and they won't release it.  There still leaves question in the redacted portions of this document along with more clarification as to what Rittenhouse’s connection with law enforcement is that is making Federal Agents nervous once the public finds out.

Remember the NBC article from October 2020 where “Federal Law Enforcement Officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse”?  “In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to defend small business owners”

Or the allegation that KCSD told Rittenhouse’s Attorney to not list his actual address when he posted bond that was brought up during one of the pre-trial hearings.  A serious allegation that KCSD has denied.  Later to hear that Rittenhouse’s address would be sealed even from the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office.

Cover Up or Conspiracy???

If you want to help Never Stop Media in their lawsuit against KPD & fight for records release and more transparency with the Kenosha Police Department please consider donating to help us pay for these records and continued bringing the public the Truth!!!


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