Kenosha Unrest, 4th Victim Finally Identified

On September 18th 2020, Never Stop Media released the Kenosha Police Scanner Audio from the night of August 25th 2020 where Kyle Rittenhouse would take the lives of two individuals, (Anthony Huber, Joseph Rosenbaum) and critically injure a third (Gaige Grosskreutz).  In the almost (7) hours of scanner audio, it also captured audio from the events immediately following the shooting.  NSM broke down the scanner audio minute by minute and has been investigating the audio ever since.  It was mentioned in this audio that a 4th Victim had entered Froedert as initial reports were coming across the radio.

On April 1st 2021, NSM received a document from the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department via an open records request, also detailing that there were 4 victims shot during the Unrest in Kenosha.  You can read NSM’s article pertaining to that document here: The document read:

“On August 25th, 2020, we deployed an eight person tactical element to Kenosha to assist with the Civil Unrest.  We were the quick reaction force and handled several tasks to include evacuating a National Guardsman (hand injury), Security for the Fire Department to put out fires, and reports of protestors with guns.  The Humvee would lead the way to these calls and was followed by our four person unmarked squad which served as WKPDS QRF.  For Law Enforcement, the night was busy with the majority of the action surrounding the Court House.  We were not actively involved in combating the rioting crowd, however, heard over the radio that the crowd was using umbrellas to shield their movements, using lasers, starting items on fire, and throwing large amounts of debris.

The protests seemed to come to an abrupt end after an active shooting event occurred near the courthouse.  We were several blocks away, but could hear two volleys of shot being fired and began receiving reports that the subject was fleeing on foot.  We responded to assist and linked up with a group of LE approximately 3 blocks south west of the shooting that had a vehicle stopped at gun point.  There was a probably 20-30 officers used to secure the intersection as there was a 360 degree threat plane.  We assisted with safely detaining the vehicle occupants, cleared the vehicle and then provided armor for the Task Force looking for the firearm at a residence.  While at the command post, we were advised that four people were shot and two were deceased”.

NSM reached out to KPD for comment and we received this response: "I am not aware of a 4th shooting victim for August 25th, 2020.  As for any comment on the shootings that did occur on the night of August 25th, 2020 Kenosha Police have no further comment other than what has already been released"

On April 7th, NSM released another article with more documents from the U.S. Marshals Service.  In a two page report from the USMS it highlights their role on August 25th.  “Yesterday evening into this morning 8/25-8/26 the district comprising of myself, DUSMS...... (redacted) TFO’s supported by DUSMS (redacted) from GLRFTF Chicago responded to the civil unrest that has continued in Kenosha”.  In the report it details USMS responding to calls of looting/burglary of a bank and businesses, structure fires along with extraction of officers separated and being surrounded by rioters.  “The group converged on the Kenosha Officers and our Task Force members.  We maintained our perimeter and received assistance from a MIRT team who dispersed the crowd with chemical munitions” the document goes on to read.

In the scanner audio that was released you can hear law enforcement personnel being told to switch channels for private conversation as well as multiple conversations happening via cell phone.  These more secure communications would not have been open to the public.  The email continues “The first event of the series of events was dispatched as a running gun battle between protestors/rioters and counter protestors with multiple persons shot”.

The US Marshal Agent goes on to state “Our Task Force responded in force and began to assist in locking down the area and home that witnesses stated the shooter ran into”.  While assessing the scene an officer down shooting was dispatched along with an active shooter at a hospital a few blocks from the first scene.  With multiple agency responses to the first dispatched shooting scene the Task Force immediately broke away and responded to that second situation to deal with the active shooter and conduct an officer rescue.  Upon arrival at the scene it was learned that there was not officer down nor an active shooter.  Shooting victims from the first shooting described above were self-transported by associates to the hospital and the hospital called 911 reporting armed people in the Emergency Room.  I don’t yet know how this became a dispatched call of an officer down and active shooter, but that is the call we were responding to at the time.  Upon learning this updated information we returned to the original scene and along with support from the FBI Tactical Team and Kenosha PD took over control of the purported house that the shooter ran into.  Utilizing multiple pieces of armor we along with the FBI established and maintained a hard perimeter of the home and began to digest the situation and active events while attempting contact at the residence.  Through continued work between our Teams and the Kenosha Police Department we were able to confirm the identity of the shooter and confirmed that the shooter was not in the home and had fled the area/home prior to the arrival of the first units.  We learned that the shooter himself had fled Kenosha and was actively attempting to surrender to another law enforcement agency just across the border in Illinois".

The next paragraph is extremely alarming and seriously highlights questions that need to be answered when it pertains to the relationship between Law Enforcement, Rittenhouse and militia groups that has only been speculated.  This should shed a bit more light on that relationship. “This series of shooting event responses by Our Task Force took up a substantial amount of time this evening.  If the shooting event itself was not bad enough we learned after the fact that the shooter is a 17 year old kid who is an active.....” (redacted).  Unfortunately the rest of this sentence is redacted so we are unsure what Rittenhouse was an “active” what of. 

“Four people were shot by him three of which are deceased as of this report.  I don’t know the status of the 4th victim however I have been told he is stable and suffered non-life threatening injuries".  What they refer to as non-life threatening injuries is presumably Gaige.  The actual 4th victim would be one of the other deceased individuals. "This could not be a worse situation for what we are currently in.  There is video of the shooter shooting the first victim and fleeing.  He is then pursued by a crowd and tackled.  He then shoots the additional three victims and then indiscriminately shoots at other on lookers.  The videos are posted and obviously going viral on social media”.  The next sentence is completely redacted from the document.

Brace yourself for what you are about to read because the WTF moment is about to come. 

“Based on everything I have noted above the Police Department believes things will get progressively worse especially when the identity and connection to law enforcement of the shooter is reported on”.

NSM has also uncovered that August 25th 2020, was not the first time Rittenhouse was in Kenosha patrolling rooftops and armed.  It happened months prior and the Kenosha Police Department interacted with him then.  NSM will be releasing an article specific to this soon.

Read the U.S. Marshal Article Here:

Lt. Nosalik from the Kenosha Police Department stands firm in their position that "there was no 4th victim", despite this document outlining the USMS direct observation and response to the shootings. 

NSM looked into gun related homicides for 2020 and discovered there were 4 gun related homicides in August 2020.  Further information regarding each of these has been listed as "non-disclosure" per the Kenosha County Medical Examiners Office due to "open cases".

Many questions went unanswered for almost four years regarding this alleged 4th Victim that kept showing up in official law enforcement documents, body cam videos, live streams and scanner audio.  Even after NSM filed a Writ of Mandamus Lawsuit against the Kenosha Police Department for failing to release records, still, no records were released pertaining to any type of correction to a 4th Victim or more clarification. 

Until now…..

Recently NSM learned of a 938 page report on Kyle Rittenhouse and the night of August 25th 2020.  Through yet another open records request with the Kenosha Police Department, NSM received a version of this report that was 730 pages.  Through a confidential source NSM also received the 938 page report.  Comparing the two sets of reports NSM finally has answers to the 4th Victim and what actually occurred.

For those that have been following Never Stop Media from the beginning they will remember that NSM released two articles about this, appeared on the K-Town Connects Podcast, the Raw Topic Live stream, released (2) audio phone files with KPD and the number of excuses that KPD told in order to not release any information on this individual. Listen to the K-Town Connects Podcast with NSM here:


KPD even went so far as to release a public press release claiming that NSM was a “conspiracy theorist, fanning the flames of Kenosha”.  Since August 2020, NSM has been continuously investigating whether or not a 4th Victim actually existed.  KPD Public Information Officer Joseph Nosalik commented there is no 4th Victim, then changed his statement to a 4th person was shot with a rubber bullet, to if it has something to do with Kyle Rittenhouse we can’t release it, then to there was so much chaos that they thought there was a 4th Victim and when the officer turned around the individual disappeared and also an unrelated homicide that happened earlier in the evening hours prior to the Rittenhouse shooting was also suggested by Nosalik as to whom the 4th Victim was.  None of these versions by Lt. Nosalik are accurate and still the public wonders why NSM questions everything law enforcement says. 






It should be mentioned that Lt. Nosalik knew exactly which reports NSM wanted pertaining to the alleged 4th Victim and refused to release even a heavily redacted version which would have cleared up any thoughts of a 4th Victim being shot during the Kenosha Unrest.  During the Mandamus Lawsuit, Lt. Nosalik and City Attorney Brian Charbogian claimed these reports would cost upwards to $10,000.  NSM obtained 730 pages of reports for $4.18, three years later.

So let’s get into what actually occurred. 

In a KPD report written by Pep Moretti on August 25th 2020, he detailed the following:  “Dispatch then advised that an Officer was down at FS KMC.  The tactical team escorted Grosskreutz into ER room #7.  OFC Krueger and I began searching the ER for an injured Officer.  ER hospital staff advised that no Officers had been in the ER.  The area was checked and no injured Officers were located.  A hospital security supervisor advised that he could not reach one of his security guards via radio and “assumed” the guard had been “shot and was down” so he called 911 to report “an Officer down”. 

I advised Dispatch that no Officers were down and we had two shooting victims in the ER”.  Joseph D. Rosenbaum(VER) was in ER room #1 with a Code alert.  Life saving measures were underway.  Jovany “NMI” Garcia (PDL) was in room #6 in the ER.  Hospital staff advised he was also a gunshot victim.  OFC Krueger located a witness with video of the incident.  I spoke with Garcia in room 6 and he stated that he observed people get shot and killed on Sheridan Rd.  Garcia was hysterical and kept repeating that he just wanted to go home and would leave naked if he had to.  I explained to Garcia that he is a witness and the hospital is on lock down for an active shooter and can not leave.  Garcia stated that a short, thin, male white with black hat on was shooting people with a rifle.  Garcia was passed off to DET Howard.

In a report written by DET Ben Antaramian on October 29th 2020, he detailed the following:  “The incident was chaotic, with personnel from multiple agencies responded.  Initial reports came in that there were a total of four victims who were struck by gunfire.  As information came in and was evaluated, a total of three subjects were confirmed to be injured by gunfire.  One of the subjects was transported by the West Allis SWAT team to Kenosha Fire Station #1” (Anthony Huber), “a second subject was taken to Froedert South Kenosha where he was determined to be deceased” (Joseph Rosenbaum), “and a third was transported to Froedert South and then to Frodert Pleasant Prairie Hospital, and later to Frodert in Milwaukee” (Gaige Grosskreutz).

“It was eventually determined that two subjects were shot and killed, another subject was shot and injured, and a fourth subject who claimed he was shot and wounded was determined to be uninjured by gunfire”.

“Non-Injured Witness: Jovany NMI Garcia”  Jovany Garcia was located in the Frodert South Emergency Room #6 by Officer Moretti #569.  Initially, it was relayed to Officer Moretti that Jovany was struck by gunfire at the scene.  Jovany was “hysterical” but later indicated that a short, thin male, with a black hat was shooting people with a rifle”.

“I responded to the hospital and located Jovany in the ER after he spoke with Officer Moretti.  Jovany was emotional as we spoke, as he would break down crying mid-sentence and it was difficult to get him on track to get a proper interview with him.  I was able to gather basic details from Jovany.  He explained that there was a white male subject in a tactical vest who shot the people on scene.  I asked Jovany if he could provide more specifics and he could not.  Jovany did agree to come down to the Kenosha Police Detective Bureau to provide a more detailed statement after having a cigarette.  Jovanny was later transported to the bureau for an interview.  Prior to interviewing, I was informed that the shooter in this incident had turned himself into the Antioch Police Department in Antioch, IL, and was instructed to go there to speak with him.  Jovany was handed over to Detective Cepress #556 for a more formal interview”.

NSM reached out to Lt. Nosalik for an official comment now that there are actual answers that could have be answered in 2021 and have not heard back yet.  NSM also tried to locate Garcia for comment and was not able to locate him.  There were a total of (8) pages in a 938 page report that had information on Jovany Garcia being the alleged 4th Victim.  While KPD attempted to tarnish the reputation of Never Stop Media with inflammatory press releases and defamatory statements, all we wanted was answers, and KPD had those answers the entire time, hidden in a report most of the public never knew existed.

NSM will continue to investigate events surrounding the 2020 Unrest and report with accuracy and integrity for every article.

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